An important aspect of the success of any weed control program is the ongoing maintenance,  that is the follow up actions that occur after the initial weed control has occurred. The lack of ongoing maintenance can often be the major failure of weed control programs.

Ongoing maintenance requires a long-term commitment but with careful management weed, problems will reduce over time.


Leaving a disturbed space after the removal of a weed often results in the same or another weed filling the space. For example, it is important to assist natural regeneration or re-vegetation in areas that have been treated particularly in natural bushland areas. For pasture improvement ensure that appropriate crop or pasture species are planted using correct methods after weed control.

Monitor the site for re infestation and treat the weeds as they appear. Photo points, records and maps of work done will help to determine the success or failure of weed control work.

Select suitable plants for re vegetation. The success of bush regeneration programs is increased by using species that are indigenous to the local area. Greening Australia’s Florabank website, provides information on species selection for bush regeneration projects.

If you find a weed, report it to your local council Weeds Officer or weed control agency or those managing the area so that infestations can be treated where feasible.