Physical control is the removal of weeds by physical or mechanical means, such as slashing/mowing, grazing, mulching, tilling, burning or by hand. The method used often depends on the type of weed needed to be controlled, the area of weeds to be managed, what the land is used for, physical characteristics and the value of the land.
It is important that, when using physical control, any item that can move from a weed-infested site to an un-infested site, such as machinery, vehicles, tools and even footwear, is cleaned free of weed seed before moving, to stop the spread of weeds to new areas.
As with most control methods long-term suppression of weeds requires continued monitoring of the area to target any possible re growth from possible seed bank or by vegetative means.
Slashing/Mowing and grazing
Slashing mowing and grazing before weeds produce seeds restrict the amount of weed seed in an area and reduce the spread of weeds.
Mulching, by covering the ground with a layer of organic material, may suppress or kills weeds by providing a barrier between the weeds and sunlight. Mulching has an added advantage in that it improves the condition and moisture level in the soil. Planting competitive and desirable plants that provide a dense cover over the weeds suppresses weed growth in a similar way to mulching.
Cultivation, tilling or ploughing are methods that turn over the soil, burying the weed beneath the soil and or disturbing the root system causing the plant to die. Cultivation, tilling or ploughing are forms of physical control that can be easily undertaken over a wide area using agricultural machinery. This method is useful for making soil ready for planting new crops, but it can lead to damage in soil structure and exposes the soil to erosion and further invasion by weeds by land disturbance.
Burning removes the above-soil body of the weeds killing most of the plants. If carried out before seed is set it can prevent the further spread of weeds. Burning can be undertaken over a wide area with minimal human input. As with tilling, burning exposes the soil surface to erosion. If burning is used as a control method, caution should be exercised to minimise the risk of harm to the environment and to those undertaking the activity.
Hand removal
Removal by hand, including hoeing, is a good method for selective removal of weeds without disturbing the surrounding desirable vegetation. It is very labour-intensive and is often only used in small areas, such as gardens or in larger areas during bush regeneration.